a very long time, farmers have been complaining of the rapid reduction
in green grams yields. But now a group of farmers is smiling all the way
to the bank. Research institutes like KALRO have been working
tirelessly to ensure farmers have green gram varieties with much higher
yields than the local green gram varieties.
green grams have small seeds with the plants maturing at different
times. Most of the time they mature late. Consumers complain that such
varieties have a lot of stony seeds, which makes a green gram meal
difficult to eat.
The improved variety K26
the other hand, the improved KALRO variety has large seeds that gives
high yields with the plants ripening at the same time. K26 variety also
matures early and does well in dry areas. Currently, a bag of green
grams goes for Kshs.9,000. The seeds are available at any KALRO office.
Farmers need to contact KALRO station near them.
Land preparation and planting
land early enough so that planting can start when the rains begin.
Green grams can be planted alone or intercropped with other crops like
maize. When planted alone, sow at 1 ½ ft between rows and ½ ft between
plants. One acre of land will require 2 to 4 gorogoros (4 to 8 kg) of
seed for planting.
The first weeding should be done 3 weeks after the seeds have emerged followed by the second weeding 6 weeks later.
The first weeding should be done 3 weeks after the seeds have emerged followed by the second weeding 6 weeks later.
Pests and diseases
pests that attack green grams are bean aphids, bean fly and bruchid
weevils. They can be controlled by planting early and practicing crop
rotation. The main disease that affects green gram is powdery mildew.
You can detect it when you see whitish growth under the leaves. This can
be controlled by using certified seed and practicing crop rotation.
green grams when most of the pods have turned black. You can pick and
dry individual pods or uproot the whole plant and dry it for about 2
days, then thresh and clean it.
must dry green grams well before storing because bruchid weevils attack
the stored grain. It is best to store the grain in covered tins, drums,
pots or sealed containers. If you store it in bags, add the ash of neem
yields range from 1 to 2 bags (90 -180 kg) per acre. If you follow the
above steps you can get up to 4 bags (360 kg) per acre. The stalk is
good livestock feed.
from planting high yielding varieties of green grams, farmers can
increase the productivity of their green gram beans and other legumes by
keeping bees in the farms. According to research, total yields in crops
can increase by up to 30 per cent through pollination by bees. Avoid
the use of chemicals if you want to benefit from pollination services
from bees.
Where to get the seed
can be obtained from Kenya Seed Company, KALRO Katumani, KALRO Kitale.
You can also contact your local extension officer for guidance.
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